Whipped, Teased, Tormented, and Pleased


Whipped, Teased, Tormented, and Pleased

(and not necessarily in that order)

Doxter S says: Interpersonal relations are complex. Strange attractants are at play. Everyone has a hidden agenda. Who hasn’t felt Whipped, Teased, Tormented, and Pleased?

Believe it or not, this post is about great music by Doxter S. The image for this page was never used as cover art for any song, but it pertains to several, including the very first song published by Doxter S.

Don’t Ever Tease Me was composed, written, recorded, produced, and published in 2012. The original cover does represent some of the emotion from the singer’s perspective. It takes Two to Tango, however, and today’s post is about both participants. watch partners dancing the Tango in Buenos Aires to understand why we like our lives spiced with emotion.

Did you know there are five tastes me must detect to make any food tasty? They are as follows: sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and umami (savory). The same can be said for relationships. Sweet equates to tenderness, bitter to discord, sour to moodiness, salty to being annoying, and savory to passionate loving. So when we want to Spice Things Up, we really mean to alter the balance of these sensations (just a bit).

Doxter S creates emotional music because he uses interpersonal relationships in almost all of them. The lead vocalist, either man or woman, is usually referring to someone else. There is always a mixture of the five spices of life brought out in the music, through chord progressions as well as the melody. But, the real trick is putting down ideas through words that complement the music.

Listen to any Doxter S song and try to understand the feelings being expressed. They are alternately joyful, heartbreaking, or humorous in a very personal way.

Bon Appetite!

