Perfect by Doxter S on Apple Music

Perfect by Doxter S on Apple Music

Perfect by Doxter S Curated by ReverbNation

Perfect by Doxter S has been curated by ReverbNation. This is the sixteenth song by Doxter S that has been curated by ReverbNation. Doxter S has 73 original songs available on ReverbNation, Spotify, Apple Music, SoundCloud, Amazon, and Jango.

ReverbNation wrote the following:

Nice work! Your song Perfect caught our attention and has made its way to the headphones of our Senior Curators. Curation is the first step towards career-changing artist development programs such as label deals, festival slots, and more. Not every song gets heard by Senior Curators, so give yourself a pat on the back! To learn more about curation and how it works, click here. Many thanks for being a part of the ReverbNation community, now go share your accomplishment with the world!

Perfect by Doxter S combines the complex and poignant emotions of romantic relationships with memorable melodies with heartfelt lyrics into a most enjoyable feast for the ears. Doxter S has a proven track record of creating beautifully emotional popular music that is helping to define the sensibilities of the social fabric that makes us who we are today. The song depicts loneliness and longing, sung by a female lead, reminiscing about a past romantic interest. The situation is fluid and uncertain, possibly substituting one past relationship with a current one. The only certainty seems to be an emptiness:

Wishing he was coming home soon. Been so lonely in their bedroom. When he’s finally home to stay, that would be a perfect day.

They were lovers for an instant, now they seem to be so distant. Why he had to go away. Waiting for a perfect day.

All alone again as sunset. Filling up her heart with regret. If her heart could fly away, that would be a perfect day.

