Step Into My Parlor: Agent, Promoter, Label

Agent, Promoter, Label

Step Into My Parlor

(said the Agent, Promoter, Label)

The music business is constantly changing, however there are some things that never change. Artists often seek assistance to grow their fan base and make a living from their talents. The Agent, the Promoter, and the Record Label are waiting like this spider for you to step into their parlor. Not that spiders are all bad. There is an ecosystem in the music industry and the connections you need to navigate are like this web. However, getting from where you are to where you want to be can be treacherous (and costly). Someone will always be taking a percentage.

I read an interesting post today about the Agent, Promoter, and Record Label which you should also read. It was written by Bob Lefsetz and describes the nature of all the things an artist could and maybe should get involved with to grow and thrive. There are explanations and maybe some recommendations to follow. The basic truths are, someone other than the artist will always be involved and will need to be fed. The upside is there will likely be a bigger pie to cut up into the more slices you will need to serve.

I don’t intend this post to discourage anyone from having an agent, promoter, or even signing with a record label. I just thought the spiders who worked throughout the night creating their own webs deserved some recognition. Like many of you, Doxter S remains independent, relying on personal contacts and, of course, the internet to promote new music produced over the last half-decade.  And industriously working on newer songs, including Mirrors, which is now awaiting some backing vocals. I will update you with a new post when the final work is done and we go to publish.




