Mirrors by Doxter S on Spotify


Mirrors by Doxter S on Spotify

Mirrors by Doxter S is on Spotify: Doxter S continues creating original songs in popular styles. Doxter S incorporates catchy melodies with heartfelt and moving lyrics, connecting emotionally with each new composition. Doxter S has published 44 songs on CD Baby and iTunes over the last 5 years.

“When I look into a mirror, at the face I see, is that really me?” This opening verse is an existential question about our perceptions of our own lives and our place in the universe. “Mirrors” questions who we really are, how we look at ourselves in our past lives, and how we can see ourselves in the future. It was inspired by Einstein’s genius explaining the Space-Time as a single dimension. it happens that a beam of light passes through the mirror’s glass at precisely the angle required to reach the reflection point in the shortest possible time. That must mean that, when we look into a mirror, we only see what we are supposed to see.

You can find Mirrors on Doxter-S.com, on CD Baby, on iTunes and listen on Spotify.
