Merry Christmas from Doxter S

Merry Christmas from Doxter S and Crimson Studios

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas from Doxter S and Crimson Studios. Doxter S has composed 3 songs for the holiday season. Each is original, creative, and unlike any other Christmas song you will year over the holidays.

Merry Christmas All Around the World

This original song intended for children includes “Merry Christmas” sung in 20 languages. As you can imaging, it has been a big hit around the world. Merry Christmas All Around The World is now on Spotify and Apple Music

Fa La La

Fa La La by Doxter S is Naughty. This original song is becoming popular in the alternative Christmas music genre.

Fa La La is now on Spotify and Apple Music


Daybreak is seasonal and spiritual without tying it down too much to Christmas.

Daybreak is now on Spotify and Apple Music
