Doxter S on TikTok

Songs by Doxter S will now be available on TikTok.

Doxter S has 68 original songs on ReverbNation, also available on Spotify, CD Baby, iTunes, and Amazon. Doxter S published 12 new songs last year. The most recent include Bargain, Butterfly, Dancers, Form A Line, Amazing, Mountain, Everywhere, and Dorian. All 68 original songs by Doxter S will now be available on TikTok.

What is TikTok?

It’s a place where your fans can create fun viral videos using your music.

Imagine a social video app that combines Snapchat, Instagram Stories, and the now-defunct Vine.

TikTok has 500+ million active users and it’s growing fast all over the world, especially in huge markets like the US and India.

Almost half of those active users are between 16-24, so TikTok has become the go-to app for Gen Z; it’s a place where younger creators are breaking ground and shaping trends in music, comedy, and culture. 
