Doxter S is Number 1 on ReverbNation

Doxter S is Number 1 on ReverbNation

Check out Doxter S on ReverbNation. Doxter S is Number 1 on ReverbNation Locally, Number 2 Regionally, Number 125 Nationally, and Number 260 Globally.

Doxter S has 78 original songs available on Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon. The most recent include Sirensong, Elocution, Panayiota, Get Up, Lukas, Better Days, Connection, Masquerade, Handmaiden, Details, Bargain, Butterfly, and Form A Line. Also check out Fa La La, Daybreak, Merry Christmas All Around the World, Heaven, Sleep, Dancers, Da Boom, Dorian, Amazing, Bizness, Addicted, Diva, Different, Flower Girl, Canyons, Nervous, We Like It, Million, Perfect, Stay, Dogged, Nothing, Nice, Everywhere, Squeeze, and Tourmenter Chat.


Doxter S has created another original EDM composition, named Sirensong, following a recent string of new electronic music.

Sirensong by Doxter S is number 78 coming out of Crimson Studios in McLean, Virginia.

Doxter S starts with the iKaossilator app to create a rhythm, bass, and syncopation with melodic notes provided by various keyboard instruments. These tracks are used to create loops with Garage Band which are mixed and mastered along with other royalty free loops.

Sirensong by Doxter S has a mysterious theme backed by thumping rhythms and sprinkled with other musical accents. The resulting mix is hypnotizing and alluring.

Sirensong by Doxter S is available on Apple Music and Spotify.



Elocution is an electronic dance composition started on the iKaossilator starting with a steady but rapid beat and a punchy base rhythm.

Layer upon layer of electric piano and synthesizer created the foundation. The tracks were arranged using Garage Band which provided additional royalty free Apple Loops. Doxter S recorded another minimalist lyric to add spice and a reference to the mood.

The resulting mastering makes Elocution by Doxter S a catchy dance tune also suitable for a daily physical workout on the treadmill or cycle.

Elocution by Doxter S is available on Apple Music and Spotify.


Addicted by Doxter S

Addicted by Doxter S is an uptempo song with an electro-island beat and is sung with great passion by a female lead vocalist with backing harmony.  The melody and Hip Hop style beat are very catchy and the lyrics are inspired by popular culture. The mood is very positive. Addicted by Doxter S is one of 73 original songs available for streaming on Spotify and Apple Music.



Doxter S continues to develop original music in the style of electronic/house/dance. The latest originated without an identified theme, however the occasion of Panayiota celebrating 100-years was an additional inspiration. This style of music does not lend itself very well to lyrics. In fact the only lyric is the title Panayiota.

Panayiota is the latest of 76 original tunes created by Doxter S at Crimson Studios. The process started with creating iKaossilator loops customized to a particular genre (R&B). Key, scale, tempo, and instrument selections were made to elicit a desired melodic balance of phrase and rhythm. The result is a catchy tune that is mixed with gradual addition of instruments.

The next layer used royalty free Apple loops matched to the key and scale. These are primarily vocal loops that contain emotion without lyrics.

The final layer is adding the phrase “Panayiota” as the singular spoken lyric, The phrase is then combined as repeats or chopped and reconstructed to match the tempo and balance of the other loops.

Panayiota by Doxter S is available on Apple Music and Spotify.


Butterfly by Doxter S started out sounding like a nursery rhyme song. The opening melody is very fanciful and sweet. The quintessential nature of the butterfly is her transformation from caterpillar during metamorphosis. This transformation needed expression in music. The Butterfly in this song continues her transformation into a human social butterfly. The melody also changes abruptly to reflect the new and exciting life she is seeking. The backing of the violoncello transforms into an overdrive electric guitar with percussion from a full drum set.

Butterfly now on Spotify and Apple Music

Get Up

Get Up

Crimson Studios is proud to announce another original composition: Get Up by Doxter S. Like the legendary Phoenix depicted on the cover, Doxter S is re-emerging with new life and new creative ideas for music and video.

Get Up by Doxter S is number 75 and is an electronic Deep House Dance composition. This HI (Human Intelligence) generated track started with an iKaossilator app to create the basic music. The mix and mastering was done on GarageBand with addition of some Royalty Free Loops.

Det Up by Doxter S is available on Apple Music and Spotify.


Doxter S created a new composition with music and lyrics as a gift to his Grandson, Lukas John Kitonis, for his 1st Birthday in 2024. This is a children’s song, joining several other original creations by Doxter S fitting this category, including Sleep, Butterfly, and Handmaiden. Lukas by Doxter S is his 74th original published song, available on Spotify and Apple Music.

Lukas by Doxter S is available on Apple Music and Spotify.


Nervous by Doxter S is one of 73 original songs produced at Crimson Studios. This pop style song could be sung acapella, however this production includes percussion, strings, and piano. There is asymmetry between the sequential verses and there is a substantial pre chorus. The instrumental backing for the chorus is minimal, as the lead and harmony together provide an orchestral presence. The chorus has a lively percussion accompaniment.

Nervous is available fr streaming on Apple Music and Spotify.


Dancers by Doxter S is a dance fantasy with a latin beat. This song evokes the nightlife in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and the tango dancing that originated there.

The singer recalls her experience as a tourist and the lasting impression that stays with her. She carries in her memory the dancers that so impressed on her the beauty and grace of the Tango. She dreams of herself becoming a tango dancer in Buenos Aires.

Dancers now on Spotify and Apple Music.


Sleep by Doxter S is an award winning song, now available for listening on Apple Music. This adorable lullaby is one of 73 original songs by Doxter S, which are produced at Crimson Studios. Doxter S creates emotionally engaging music, with catchy melodies, and heartfelt lyrics. These melodies stay with the listener long after the performance has ended. Listen to Sleep by Doxter S on Spotify and Apple Music.


Doxter S created and produced his latest original song “Bizness” with a snappy upbeat rhythm in a funky style with a positive vibe that engages and excites his listeners.  Doxter S has been creating and producing original pop music since 2012 at Crimson Studios in McLean, Virginia. Every new song has a unique style with catchy melody and engaging lyrics that evoke emotion from his listeners. Bizness by Doxter S has a funky upbeat rhythm and inspiring lyrics that together create a very positive vibe.

Bizness, winner of Gold for R&B and Hip Hop in the 35th MASC awards, is one of 73 original songs available for streaming on Apple Music and Spotify.

Better Days

There has been a lot going on in the last few years. What seems to be an upheaval in societal relations may be part of a natural evolution of human thought. Better Days by Doxter S provides a musical representation of these troubled times.

The melody is in a minor key that adds pathos to the relevant lyrics. Despite the melancholy there is also great hope. The song begins and ends with the word “Pray”. There is hope fore redemption in this prayer. There is optimism for humanity.

Better Days now on Spotify and Apple Music.

Flower Girl

Flower Girl

Sometimes the inspiration for a song is a person, maybe a place, or a feeling, or perhaps a period in time. Flower Girl by Doxter S is all of these, one of 73 original songs available for streaming on Spotify and Apple Music.

Flower Girl was written by Doxter S, sung by a female lead, and was produced at Crimson Studios in McLean, Virginia in 2017.


Daybreak by Doxter S is a madrigal style polyphonic composition with 3 vocalists accompanied by piano, cello, violin, and music box.

This song started out as an instrumental Rondo of 8-bars. The complex melodies seemed to lend themselves as the basis for a holiday song.

The reference to the season being winter and the presence of music playing everywhere are subtle links to Christmas time. The lyrics “Bright music Good tidings come with the Sun rising” and “Sweet voices are singing angelic with feeling” are additional ties to the traditional holiday music. Otherwise this song is without any anchors to limit it to one genre.

Daybreak is seasonal and spiritual without tying it down too much to Christmas. Daybreak is now on Spotify and Apple Music


Handmaiden by Doxter S is a fanciful tale of a young romantic renaissance teenager. The melody is in the Key of A with Mixolydian scale. The intro and bridges are simple arpeggios of this scale. The instruments include strings, harp, hand percussion, tambourine, and triangle. The setting is in a Tudor Garden in Renaissance England.

Handmaiden now on Spotify and Apple Music.


Connection by Doxter S is a love song in Em that starts out slow but will quickly get your heart beating double time. The acoustic bass and Violoncello are both melodic and percussive, with the piano bass providing gentle arpeggios of the simple chord progressions. The lyrics include a syncopated vocal echo of the phrase “I know” that is set up first by the pizzicato violoncello.

Connection now on Spotify and Apple Music.


Amazing by Doxter S is an upbeat revival style song that echoes the traditional song Amazing Grace in one refrain, but has it’s own upbeat character that will bring the entire congregation to its feet. Amazing by Doxter S is one of 73 original songs available for streaming on Spotify and Apple Music.

Doxter S Music

You can stream all original music by Doxter S from Crimson Studios by going to the music page. Many of these original songs are accompanied by unpublished versions with a different mix or lead singer.
