Diva by Doxter S Honorable Mention MASC 35

Diva by Doxter S gets Honorable Mention for the R&B/Hip-Hop/Urban Category in the 35th Annual Mid-Atlantic Song Contest sponsored by the Songwriters’ Association of Washington.

Bizness by Doxter S won the Gold Award for the R&B/Hip-Hop/Urban Category this year. Sleep by Doxter S was a finalist it the 33rd Annual Mid-Atlantic Song Contest.

Jay Keating, SAW President and 2018 MASC Director, wrote the following:


The judges have made their selections for the 35th Annual Mid-Atlantic Song Contest sponsored by the Songwriters’ Association of Washington. I am happy to inform you that your songs received the following awards this year:

Bizness was chosen for the Gold award for the R&B/Hip Hop/Urban category 

Diva was chosen for the Honorable Mention award for the R&B/Hip Hop/Urban category

I can assure you the decisions were not easy and the competition from your peers made this decision harder than you know. For that, it should be treasured as sweetly won.

I can also promise you that more than 70 judges, including 8 Grammy winners, a VP at Universal Records, published working songwriters and others of note, pored over these songs in rounds of judging. You were heard and listened to. The number of good songs I heard that didn’t make the cut astonished me. I listened to every song this year and it gave me a lot of hope for songwriting and for the present and future of our mutual avocation.

The real winner in this contest is songwriting. Each of you who dedicates the time and energy into learning the craft, discovering the art and raising the visibility of original music has a part in making MASC, SAW, songwriting, music and yourself richer and better. For that we are grateful.

We hope you can come receive your award in person at the 35th SAW MASC Gala, on Sunday, Jan 20th at Gypsy Sally’s in Georgetown. There is limited seating to this popular event so please be sure to reserve a seat early for you and any guests through the SAW website. It will be a night to remember.

We are also putting together an attempt to live stream the event. Please let us know if you would want to watch online in case you can’t come.

And here is our chorus. Keep writing. As good as your work was this year, there are always better songs on the horizon and in you. One of the things that all our winners have in common is that they keep trying. They write, go to toolbox, song circle and workshop sessions. They work at the craft and strive towards the art.

The complete list of winners will be available soon on our website.
