Different by Doxter S on Apple Music

Different by Doxter S

Different by Doxter S on Apple Music

Some Reasons Why You Should Like Different by Doxter S

There has been a buzz in the air ever since Netflix aired the first season of Th1rteen R3asons Why.
Different by Doxter S is a touching and sensitive ballad that gets right to the center of this problem: American teenagers are caught in the nexus between childhood and adulthood, without always having the emotional anchor needed to remain stable. Listen to Different by Doxter S on Apple Music and Spotify.


Let's make a wish and blow the flames from the birthday candles 
You're a year older now but life seems too hot to handle 
People look through you like you're not even there 
like you are Lighter than air a wisp of smoke 

You're different from the lucky ones 
Just different want to hide and run 
So different how could you stay in This place this life 

Capture your thoughts and write them down in a private journal 
No one will know until one day it's all over school where 
People look through you like you're not even there 
like you are Lighter than air a wisp of smoke 

You're different from the lucky ones 
Just different want to hide and run 
So different how could you stay in This place this life 

Did your father scold you Baby he made you tow the line 
Did your mother hold you Baby when did she have the time 
Did your teachers tell you maybe you'll do better next year 
Feeling like a fool with nothing left to lose you want to disappear 

You're different from the lucky ones 
Just different want to hide and run 
So different how could you stay in This place this life 

Counting the pills you found in your mothers cabinet you 
Swallow them down without a thought of the consequences 
People look through you now you're not even there 
now you are Lighter than air a wisp of smoke 

You're different from the lucky ones 
Just different want to hide and run 
So different how could you stay in This place this life 
