Different by Doxter S is now available on ReverbNation Discover

Different by Doxter S

Different is now available on ReverbNation Discover.

Different by Doxter S is now available on the ReverbNation Discover App.  ReverbNation wrote today:

You’re In! It’s official! Different is now available on ReverbNation Discover. Thousands of fans from around the world can now stream, share, and save your track on the Discover app. You’re on your way to new song plays, and you can get even more by sharing the good news with your followers on Facebook and Twitter.

There has been a buzz in the air ever since Netflix aired the first season of Th1rteen R3asons Why. The subject matter revolving around bullying and teen suicide is emotionally disturbing to some. TRW has, however, raised awareness of this important and increasing problem in American society.
Our modern society is undoubtedly playing a role and should change in a meaningful way to counteract this unfortunate trend.
Different, by Doxter S, is a touching and sensitive ballad that gets right to the center of this problem: American teenagers are caught in the nexus between childhood and adulthood, without always having the emotional anchor needed to remain stable. The lyrics, sung by a female lead, don’t indicate the subject’s gender. This first verse clearly describes the idea of transition, starting with a birthday party. This is followed by a haunting reference to the type of detachment felt when self-importance begins to wane. “People look though you like you’re not even there, like you are lighter than air, a wisp of smoke”. This theme of detachment is repeated throughout the song. The Chorus, also repeated throughout, paints a simple picture of an individual not fitting in: “You’re different from the luck ones. How can you stay in this place…this life?”  We learn the subject has been keeping a private journal that has now beome public.

